Let’s learn to lead together!

Recycle Leaders Training for DC Schools!

These 2-hour recycling leadership training seminars prepare a team of responsible staff (the responsible administrator, operations lead, education lead, and up to 3 additional staff or students) to implement the “5 Steps to Recycle Right” for DC schools. Schools can select the basic training to learn how to meet DC’s legal requirements for recycling right, or the “Compost Edition” which includes recycling organic (food) waste.

Contact Us for more information


Rapid Recycle Right Self-Assessment Virtual Consultation for MD Green Schools (or any school)!

Launch student-driven action on waste off the ground for MD green schools seeking recertification! Save hours of staff and/or student green team time by getting your recycling program off to the right (re)start! This (1)-hour virtual consultation prepares school staff and/or students to conduct a rapid Recycle Right Self-Assessment consisting of a facility walk-through and short set of questions, resulting in a prioritized list of specific action items.

Contact Us for more information

